Зеленая Химия

Химический факультет БГУ


location 14, Leningradskaya Str.,

220034, Minsk, Belarus 




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English, Russian, Belarusian.    




ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR  (from 09/2009): Belarusian State University, Faculty of Chemistry, Radiation Chemistry and Chemical-Pharmaceutical Technologies Department.

SENIOR LECTURER (09/2006-09/2009): Belarusian State University, Faculty of Chemistry, Radiation Chemistry and Chemical-Pharmaceutical Technologies Department.

To develop lecture courses, to conduct theoretical and practical studies in radiochemistry, radiometry, green chemistry, ecology, environmental and labor protection areas, to supervise diploma and course works of students

ENGINEER-TECHNOLOGIST (11/1994-09/1996): Belarusian State University, Faculty of Chemistry, Radiochemistry Laboratory.

JUNIOR RESEARCHER (09/1996-10/2003): Belarusian State University, Faculty of Chemistry adiochemistry Laboratory.

RESEARCHER (10/2003-09/2006): Belarusian State University, Faculty of Chemistry, Radiochemistry Laboratory.

To plan and implement research activity including the investigation of radionuclide physical-and-chemical forms, their vertical migration and biological accessibility. To apply, adapt and modify chemical and radiochemical procedures for various environmental matrices

ECONOMIST (08/1994 –11/ 1994 ): Enterprise “BELOMO”, Makaenka str., Minsk, Republic of Belarus.

Market exploration, procurement of materials.


Knowledge of PC as advanced user. 



Ability to successfully communicate with people of different nationalities, to apply team approach.  



DIPLOMA OF RETRAINING AT THE HIGHER EDUCATION LEVEL: Pedagogical activity in English,  National Institute for Higher Education, 2015-2016.

DIPLOMA OF ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR ( Chemistry):  Belarusian State University, Higher Attestation Committee, 2011.

PhD IN CHEMISTRY (Candidate of Science in Chemistry):  PhD Thesis Title:  “The estimation of plutonium and americium state and mobility in soils of the Republic of Belarus contaminated by radionuclides, Belarusian State University, Faculty of Chemistry, 2000-2004.

DIPLOMA OF HIGHER EDUCATION (Chemistry):  Belarusian State University, 1989-1994.


Неad of the Chemical Faculty Council on research activity of students and post-graduates.

I’ve organized a lot of national and international youth scientific and educational events including 

International Youth Forums “From a Decade of Clean Water to a Century of Healthy Life”, 

“Water, Global Change and Human Health”, “World of Water technologies”, History of Science Days etc. 



































09/1997 – 11/1997 IAEA Fellowship (Lund University, Sweden)

08/2002 – 11/2002 IAEA Fellowship (IAEA Laboratories, Austria)

10/2007 – 11/2007 College on Soil Physics (International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy)

21/04/2009 – 22/04/2009 The International intensive course “New European Chemicals Regulation (REACh) and the Globally Harmonized System” (Lodz Technical University, Lodz, Poland).

06/09/2009 – 15/09/09 DAAD study visit to Germany (ZALF, Universities of Berlin, Greisvald, Rostock). 

23/08/2010 – 27/08/2010 Training Course on Safety and Regulation of Nuclear Power Plants (Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, STUK, Helsinki, Finland). 

30/08/2010 – 03/09/2010 Workshop on Experience from Construction and Regulatory oversight of Nuclear Power Plants (Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, STUK, Helsinki, Finland).

02/10/2010 – 08/10/2010 Training Course “International Experience in Radioactive Wastes Treatment” (Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, SCK-CEN, Моl, Belgium).  

30/11/2010 – 07/12/2010 Training course “Transport and Retention of Radionuclides in Argillaceous and Fractured media” (ITC School of Underground Waste Storage and Disposal, Switzerland).

18/04/2011 – 21/04/2011 Training course “Safe Chemistry Practices in Nuclear Power Plants and Waste Management” (Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, STUK, Helsinki, Finland). 

11/12/2011 – 15/12/2011 Training course “Nuclear Fuel Cycle in Finland” (Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, STUK, Helsinki, Finland).

16/09/2012 - 21/12/2012, Training Course “Nuclear Reactors: Generation IV” (National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology, CEA Saclay, France)

10/12/2012-14/12/2012, Winter School “Modeling of Corrosion” (National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology, CEA Saclay, France)

08/04/2013 – 13/04/2013 Training Course in radiochemical analysis of surface and drinking water (National Reference Laboratory in Bratislava, Water Research Institute, Slovakia)

01/10/2013 – 31/10/2013 Academic mobility in the frame of ERASMUS MUNDUS program, project “Enhancing Learning in ENPI Countries through Clean Technologies and Research Related Activities ELECTRA” (Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain).  

November 2014 Training at NPP «Коzlodyi» (Bulgaria) in Technology, Safety and Water chemical regime of PWR reactors

12/12/2016-16/12/2016 Training programme “The role of international cooperation in the development and safe use of nuclear energy” (Vienna, Austria). 

21/05/2017 – 27/05/2017 Training Course in radiochemical analysis of surface and drinking water (National Reference Laboratory in Bratislava, Water Research Institute, Slovakia)

Participation in the different international research and educational projects (IAEA BYE/5/003; INCO-COPERNICUS “FORECO”; French-German Initiative (Project 2 "Radioecology"); “Cooperation for rehabilitation” (CORE), Promoting Internationalization of HEIs in Eastern Neighborhood Countries through Cultural and Structural Adaptation (PICASA).

2009-2011: Teacher of the International Program “Baltic University”, courses “Environmental Science”, “Water Use Management”, “Cleaner Production”.

2012-2015: Lecturer of the course “Introduction to Green Chemistry: Belarus and V4 Countries”, Visegrad University Studies Grant 

2014-2016: Advanced Assessment National Expert of Regional Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Demonstration Program for the European Union’s Eastern Neighbourhood Region under auspice of UNIDO.  

2015-onward: Member of the Cooperation for Higher Education on Radiological and Nuclear Engineering Network (CHERNE)

2016-onward: participation in IAEA project “Internet Reactor Laboratory in Europe”, Member of the Regional Network for Education and Training in Nuclear Technology (STAR-NET).



Co-author of more than 100 publications, including 4 textbooks.

- Savitskaya, I. Kimlenka, Cho Po, E. Matushenkov. Introduction to Green Chemistry: Belarus and V4 Countries: Lecture Course, 2nd Edition. Minsk, 2016. – 151 P.

- Savitskaya, I. Kimlenka, O. Shadyro, etc. Nuclear Chemistry: improving professional skills in English: textbook for students of chemical and ecological specializations. – Minsk: 2011. – 224 p.

- The Essentials of Radioecology and Safe Life: textbook for teachers of secondary schools / G. Sokolik etc. –  Мinsk: 2008. – 369 P. 

- Migration ability of radionuclides soil-vegetation cover of Belarus after Chernobyl accident. G.A.Sokolik, T.G.Ivanova, S.L.Leinova, S.V.Ovsiannikova, I.M.Kimlenko // Environment International. — — Vol. 26, № 3. — P. 183—187.

- Sokolik G., Ovsiannikova S., Kimlenko I. Distribution and mobility of 137Cs, 90Sr, 239,240Pu and 241Am in solid phase-interstitial soil solution system // Radioprotection-Collogues. — — Vol. 37 — p. 259—264.

- Sokolik G.A., Ovsiannikova S.V., Kimlenka I.M. Influence of organic components on Pu and Am state in soils and soil solutions // Radiochemistry. — 2003. — Vol. 45, № 2. — P. 160 – 164.

- Sokolik G.A., Ovsiannikova S.V., Kimlenka I.M. Influence of organic components on TUE sorption in the soil-plant system // Radiation and antropoecology. — 2005. — P. 129 – 133.

- Sokolik G.A., Ovsiannikova S.V., Kimlenka I.M. Application of complex cation-exchange resin for the investigation of actinides state and mobility in soils // Izvestiya of NAS of Belarus. Issue “Chemistry”. — 2007, № 3. — P. 88 – 96.

- Savitskaya Т.А., Kimlenka I.М., Маtuishenkov Е.А., Lukashevich М.V. Chemistry becomes “Green”: where is it taught? // Chemistry: Teaching Problems. — 2009, № 2. — P. 3 – 19.

- Savitskaya Т.А., Kimlenka I.М. Biopacking: progress or new ecological problem? // Ecology. – 2011. – № 8(44). – P. 12 – 17.

- T.Savitskava, I.Kimlenka, A.Rytau. The Greening of the Chemistry Curriculum: International Cooperation "Belarus-V4 Countries" // CNS - La Chimica nella Scuola. – 2012. – P. 319–326.

- Savitskaya, I. Kimlenka, D. Grinshpan. Green chemistry as a necessary component of education for sustainable development / Education for Sustainable Development in Belarus: Theory and Practice. - Minsk, 2015. – P. 469 –477.

- Savitskaya T., Kimlenka I., Hrynshpan D., Xu X., Huo P. “Green” Chemistry Education: an Essential Part of Sustainable Development / Journal of Zhejiang Shuren University. –– Vol. 15, No. 4. – P. 11–15.

- Sytova, M. Dezhurko, I. Dubovskaya, I. Kimlenka etc. Principles of the content formation of the educational and research portal of nuclear knowledge BelNET // Fundamental and applied physical research. – Minsk, 2016. – P. 400-417.

-   D. Grinshpan, T. Savitskaya, N. Tsygankova, S. Makarevich, I. Kimlenka. Good real world example of wood-based sustainable chemistry // Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy. – 2017. – N 5. – P.1-13.

-  D. Syrtsova, V. Teplyakov, V. Filistovich, T. Savitskaya, I. Kimlenka, S. Makarevich, D. Grinshpan Cellulose-based Composite Gas Separation Membranes // Membranes and Membranes Technologies. – 2019. – Vol. 1, N 6. – P. 353-360.

- Gaishun, Ya. Kosenok, M. Moskvichev, O. Tyulenkova, T. Savitskaya, I. Kimlenko, I. Starostenko Development of new thermal insulating materials using nanosized silica // Problems of physics, mathematics and techniques. – 2020. – № 4. – P.15–19.

- Tatsiana Savitskaya, Iryna Kimlenka, Yin Lu, Dzmitry Hrynshpan, Valentin Sarkisov, Jie Yu, Nabo Sun, Shilei Wang, Wei Ke, Li Wang. Green Chemistry: Process Technology and Sustainable Development. – Signapore: Springer jointly published with Zhejiang University Press, 2021. – 149 p.  ISBN 978-981-16-3745-2.

- 陆胤, 塔兹娅娜·萨维斯卡娅 (Tatsiana Savitskaya), 伊琳娜·基姆伦卡 (Iryna Kimlenka), 俞杰  等编著 /Yin Lu, Tatsiana Savitskaya, Iryna Kimlenka, Jie Yu, Dzmitry Hrynshpan, Valentin Sarkisov, Shilei Wang, Nabo Sun, Wei Ke, Li Wang. Green Chemistry. – Zhejiang University Press, 2021. – 148 p.  ISBN 978-7-308-20870-3.