Зеленая Химия

Химический факультет БГУ

 Savitskaya green21

location 14, Leningradskaya Str.,

220034, Minsk, Belarus 



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Lecturer (course title “Introduction to Green Chemistry”)


«Зелёная» химия в мире известна уже более 20 лет, однако реакция на этот термин еще    и сегодня не является однозначной. Мне доводилось слышать даже от коллег-химиков как полное понимание, так и скептическое отношение. Последнее связано с незнанием тенденций, по которым развивается современная химическая наука, мировая экономика и цивилизация в целом. Согласно символике цвета зеленый – это цвет жизни, надежды, а в последнее время еще и благополучия, достатка. Зеленые технологии, зеленое строительство, зеленые университеты – это не просто модные бренды, это реальная основа для устойчивого развития и забота о будущих поколениях. БГУ первый в республике университет, который включил зеленую химию в учебные программы. С 2009 года уже более 500 выпускников химического факультета получили соответствующий сертификат. Каждый год к нам приходят замечательные студенты с широким кругозором и способностью воспринимать новые знания. Я уверена, что в мировоззрении современного химика должна найтись ниша для идей и принципов зелёной, т.е. безопасной химии, рассчитываю и надеюсь на поддержку студентов в развитии этого направления как на химфаке, так и в республике.


English, Russian, Belarusian. 




I’m able to successfully communicate with people of different nationalities;

I apply team approach in relations with  my colleagues.  

Delivering lectures, developing lecture courses, carrying out theoretical and practical studies on “green” chemistry, colloid chemistry, surface active substances chemistry, supervising diploma theses and MPhils of the students, coordinating research and development at the Faculty of Chemistry.
Supervision of the students’ research at the Faculty of Chemistry, supervisor of summer IAESTE programme (The International Association of the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) foreign students , Scientific supervisor of R&D projects.


Award of the Ministry of Education 2009;

Award of the President of the Republic of Belarus for the achievements in the social economic development of the Republic (2011);

Award of certificates of Honors of the Belarusian State University;

Award of certificate of Honors  of the Ministry of Education;

Award of the President of the Republic of Belarus for the achievements in the social economic development of the Republic (2016).  

Аward of sertificate of Honors of the Council of Ministers, 2018; Honored Worker of the BSU, 2021.

JUNIOR RESEARCHER: Belarusian State University, Faculty of Chemistry, 08/1974-06/1984

SENIOR RESEARCHER: Belarusian State University, Faculty of Chemistry, 09/1984-04/1990

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR: Scientific Research Institute for Physical and Chemical Problems,  Department of  High Molecular Compounds and Colloid Chemistry, 04/1990-09/2001

Studying of rheology and physical-chemical properties of cellulose and its blends with synthetic polymers, films, membranes and fibers as products of their treatment, rheology and stability of activated carbon suspensions modified by polymers, synthesis of interpolyelectrolyte complexes and the investigation of their properties, edible films and coating. Delivering lectures, carrying out workshops, laboratory sessions. Introducing innovative method of teaching: problem solving and cooperative learning, lectures in podcasting, videomethodological support for labs. 



DIPLOMA OF PROFESSOR (Chemistry), Belarusian State University,  ISCED 8, 2023

DOCTOR OF SCIENCES IN CHEMISTRY (Dr. Sci thesis title “Novel composite materials base on natural polymers: cellulose, chitin, starch and lignin), Belarusian State University, 2021


Knowledge of PC as advanced user 



2006 – up to present time Deputy dean for science; member of the Scientific Council at the Faculty of Chemistry; member of the Scientific Council of the Scientific-Research Office of BSU. The organizer of national and international youth scientific and educational events (Forums on Water Issues, Science History Days), teacher of the International programme “The Baltic University Programme”, expert of UNIDO on RECP.



 01/1996 – 02/1996 Scientific research (Leipzig Technical University, Germany)

02/05/2001 –14/05/2001 In-process testing of new drugs (Bayer AG, Germany)

10/10/2006 – 24/10/2006 Scientific expert (Korea Institute of Machine and Materials, Republic  of Korea)

12/11/2007 – 20/11/2007Delivering lectures (School of Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China)

12/04/2008 – 22/04/2008 Ecological Management Course, VISBY “University Cooperation”, International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economy , University of Lund, Sweden)

10/2009 – 11/2009 International course “Water and Health” (University of Hebrey, Israel)

27/08/2010 – 5/09/2010 International school  “Nuclear Knowledge Management” (International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy)

21/04/2009 – 22/04/2009 The International intensive course “New European Chemicals Regulation (REACh) and the Globally Harmonized System”, Lodz Technical University, Lodz, Poland.

07/11/2011 –  09/11/2011 International conference IMTEX'2011 (Lodz Polytechnical University, Poland)

23/04/2012 – 27/04/2012 International workshop “Cooperation in Green Technologies with Eastern Europe” ( Hannover Fair 2012, Germany)

15/07/2012 – 20/07/2012 International Conference «Stimulating Reflection and Catalysing Change in Chemistry Education”(Roma, Italy)

02/10/2015  – 16/10/2015 Inviting professor in Green chemistry              (Zhejiang Shuren University, China)

2015-onward: Member of the Cooperation for Higher Education on Radiological and Nuclear Engineering Network (CHERNE)

2016-onward: participation in IAEA project “Internet Reactor Laboratory in Europe”, Member of the Regional Network for Education and Training in Nuclear Technology (STAR-NET).

04/04/2016 – 07/04/2016 International Green Chemistry Conference GREEN2016 (Berlin, Germany)

09/04/2016 – 24/04/2016 Joint research and lecture (Zhejiang Shuren University, China)

09/09/2016 – 24/09/2016 visiting professor in Green Chemistry (Zhejiang Shuren University, China)

05/03/2017- 111/03/2017 exchange Program ERAZMUS+, Lectures in Jagiellonian University, Krakov, Poland.

25/05/2017 – 12/06/2017 visiting professor in Green Chemistry (Zhejiang Shuren University, China)

25/10/2018 – 12/11/2018 visiting professor in Green Chemistry (Zhejiang Shuren University, China)

21/10/2019 – 10/11/2019 visiting professor in Green Chemistry (Zhejiang Shuren University, China)

02/03/2020 – 09/03/2020 Erasmus plus project in Dresden Technical University


























































DIPLOMA OF ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, (Chemistry),  Belarusian State University (Higher Attestation Committee),  1994

DIPLOMA OF SENIOR RESEARCHER (Chemistry), Belarusian State University (Higher Attestation Committee), 1988.

PhD IN CHEMYSTRY (Candidate of Science in Chemistry),  PhD Thesis Title: “The combination of cellulose with artificial and synthetic polymers in non-aqueous media”, Belarusian State University, Chemical Faculty, 1974-1981.

DIPLOMA ON HIGHER EDUCATION (Chemistry), Belarusian State University, 1969-1974.



Co-author of more than 300 publications, including 6 textbooks, 1 monography.  Find enclosed the list of most important publications for a 10-year period.

T. Savitskaya, Sheveleva M. Colloid Chemistry: Laboratory training seccion.– Minsk: BSU, 2009.– 104 p.

T. Savitskaya, D.Kotsikau Colloid Chemistry:Supporting compendium.– Minsk: BSU, 2009.– 123 p.

T. Savitskaya, D.Kotsikau Colloid Chemistry: Questions, Answers,– Minsk: BSU, 2009.– 132 p.

T. Savitskaya, I. Kimlenka, O. Shadyro, e.a. Nuclear Chemistry: improving professional skills in English. – Minsk: 2011. – 240 p.

T. Savitskaya, I. Kimlenka, Cho Po, E. Matushenkov. Introduction to Green Chemistry: Belarus and V4 Countries: Lecture Course, 2nd Edition. Minsk, 2016. – 151 P.

T.Savitskaya. Biodegradable composites based on natural polysaccharides. – 2018. – 207 p. 

T. Savitskaya, I. Kimlenka, D.Hrynshpan, et. al. Green Chemistry: Process Technology and Sustainable Development. – Signapore: Springer jointly published with Zhejiang University Press, 2021. – 149 p.

Tatsiana Savitskaya, Iryna Kimlenka, Yin Lu, Dzmitry Hrynshpan, Valentin Sarkisov, Jie Yu, Nabo Sun, Shilei Wang, Wei Ke, Li Wang. Green Chemistry: Process Technology and Sustainable Development. – Signapore: Springer jointly published with Zhejiang University Press, 2021. – 149 p.  ISBN 978-981-16-3745-2.

陆胤, 塔兹娅娜·萨维斯卡娅 (Tatsiana Savitskaya), 伊琳娜·基姆伦卡 (Iryna Kimlenka), 俞杰  等编著 /Yin Lu, Tatsiana Savitskaya, Iryna Kimlenka, Jie Yu, Dzmitry Hrynshpan, Valentin Sarkisov, Shilei Wang, Nabo Sun, Wei Ke, Li Wang. Green Chemistry. – Zhejiang University Press, 2021. – 148 p.  ISBN 978-7-308-20870-3


- Savitskaya T.A., Knypikova L.A., Grinshpan D.D., New Method for Stabilization of Cellulose Acetate-Synthetic Polymer Blends in Solution //Cellulose Chemistry and Technology. –1999. – N. 6. – P.42 – 47.

- Savitskaya T.A., Epshtein O.L., Kulinkovich O.G., Tretyakova S.M. Dynamic Membrane Based on Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-heptadecyl vinyl ketone): Preparation and Properties //Colloid Journal. – – Vol. 62, N. 6. – P.746 – 750.

- Grinshpan D.D., Tsygankova N.G., Tretyakova S.M., Savitskaya T.A. The Formation of Lyotropic Mesophase in Agueous Solutions of the Sodium Salt of Cellulose Acetate Sulfate //Polymer Science, ser.B. – 2002. – V.44, N. 1-2. – P.23 – 26.

- Tretyakova S.M., Tsygankova N.G., Selevich A.F., Klavsut’ G.N., Savitskaya T.A., Grinshpan D.D. Termal Properties of Films and Solutions of Cellulose Sulfate Acetate Salt Forms//Polymer Science, ser.B. – – М.47, N5. – P.23 – 26. Sokolik G., Ovsiannikоva S., Kimlenko I. Soil organic matter and migration properties of 239, 240Pu and 241Am // Radioprotection-Collogues. — 2002. — Vol. 37 — p. 283—288.

- Savitskaya T.A., Nevar T.N., Grinshpan D.D. Simulation of the Rheological Behavior of Enterosorbents in the Gastroenteric Tract in vitro //Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics. – 2005. –V.78, N. 5. – P.989 – 993.

- Savitskaya T.A., Nevar T.N., Grinshpan D.D. The effect of Water-Soluble Polymers on the Stability and Rheological Properties of Suspensions of Fibrous Activated Carbon // Colloid Journal. – 2006. – V.68, N 1. – P. 93 – 99.

- Shybaila T.N., Savitskaya T.A., Kislyakova T.A., Albulov A.I., Grinshpan D.D. Chitosan-Cellulose Sulfate-Acetate Complexation in Acetic Acid Solutions // Colloid Journal. –2008. – V.70, N. 5. – P.661 – 665.

- Savitskaya T.A., I.Kimlenka, D.Grinshpan, V.Radivinovsky, V.Pankov. The youth educational forum: from a decade of clean water to a century of healthy life.// Journal of Science Education. 2009. – V. 10, N. 2. – P. 119 – 120.

- Grinshpan, N. Tsygankova, T.Savitskaya, T.Nevar, S.Makarevich, G.Telysheva, T. Dizhbite. The Flexible Technology for Obtaining of Drinking Water from Surface Polluted Waer and Waste Water // 7th International Conference Environmental Engineering, Vilnius, May 22–23, 2008. P. 121-129.

- Grinshapn, T. Savitskaya, N. Tsygankova, e.a.Cellulose acetate sulfate as a lyotropic liquid crystalline polyelectrolyte: synthesis, properties and application [Text] / // International Journal of Polymer Science [Open Access Journal. Volume 2010 (2010), article 831658, 20 pages. Accepted 14.11.2010].

- Grinshapn, A.N.Gonchar, N. Tsygankova, S. Makarevich, T. Savitskaya, E.Sheimo. Rheological Properties of Concentrated Solutions of Cellulose and its Mixtures with Other Polymers in Orthophosphoric Acid [Text] / // Journal of Engineering Physics an Thermophysics/ – 2011, Vol. 84, No. 3. – P. 594 – 598.

- G. Ivanets, T. A. Savitskaya, D.D. Grinshpan //Adsorptive and Structural characteristics of Carbon Sorbents [Text] Inorganic Materials. – 2011, Vol. 47, No. 10. – P. 1061 – 1065.

- Savitskaya Т.А., Kimlenka I.М. The Youth Educational Forum “From a decade of clean water to a century of healthy life” // Chemistry: Teaching Problems. — 2008, № 9. — P. 3 – 16.

- Savitskaya Т.А., Kimlenka I.М., Маtuishenkov Е.А., Lukashevich М.V. Why does chemistry become “Green” and where is it taught? // Chemistry: Teaching Problems. — 2009, № 2. — P. 3 – 19.

- Savitskaya Т.А., Lukashevich М.V., Kimlenka I.М. “Green” Chemistry is a science of XXI Century // Repetitor.— 2009, № 4. — С. 20 – 23.

- Savitskaya Т.А., Pankov V.V., Kimlenka I.M., Semchenko А.V., Gaishun V.E. Rheological properties of silica hydrosols modified by salts of metals // Sviridov readings. Iss. 5. Minsk, 2009. — P. 51-57.

- V.Sidsky, V.E.Gaishun, O.M.Demidenko, T.A.Savitskaya, V.V.Panykov, A.V.Semchenko Influence of synthesis conditions on the properties of FeXCoYOZ – nanoparticles in SiO2 sol-gel film // Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent System. – 2009, Vol. 3, № 4. – P. 91 – 92.

- Savitskaya Т.А., Pankov V.V., Yanushkevich K.I., Kimlenka I.M., Semchenko А.V., Gaishun V.E., Fedotova Y.A. Magnetic properties of sol-gel matrices doped with Fe, Ni, Co compounds. // Sviridov readings. Iss. 6. Minsk, 2010. — P. 120-125.

- Savitskaya T.A., Kimlenka I.M., Matuishenkov E.A., Pankov V.V. Green Chemistry is the shortest way to clean water, favorable climate and human health // International Youth Forum “Water, climate change and human health”: Proceedings/ BSU. – Minsk, 2010. – P. 19-21.

- T.Savitskava, I.Kimlenka, A.Rytau. The Greening of the Chemistry Curriculum: International Cooperation "Belarus-V4 Countries" // CNS - La Chimica nella Scuola, XXXIV – 3, 2012. - P. 319-326.

- T.Savitskaya, I.Kimlenka, O.Mosejtschuk, D.Grinshpan. I.Reznikov. International Year of Chemistry Events at the Belarusian State University // CNS - La Chimica nella Scuola. XXXIV – 3, 2012. - P. 323-326.

- Ivanets M.G., Savitskaya T.A., Nevar T.N., Grinshpan D.D. Adsorption of sodium dodecylsulfate on modified carbon adsorbents //Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. –2012. –Vol. 86, № 11. –Р. 1710–1715.

- T. Savitskaya, I.Kimlenka, D. Hrynshpan, M. Juhas, A. Rytov. From “Green” Technologies to “Green” 3G University: Belarus and V4 Countries / Int. Conf. “The European Union and Republic of Belarus: Getting Closer for Better Future”: Proceedings. – Minsk, 2014. -  P. 296-300.

- Grinshpan, D.D. Rheological Properties of Cellulose-Chitosan-Phosphoric Acid Systems in Different Phase States [Text] / D.D. Grinshpan, A.N. Gonchar, T.A. Savitskaya, N.G. Tsygankova, S.E.Makarevich// Polymer Science.–2014.–Ser. A.–Vol.56.– No. 2 – pp.137-145

- Po Huo, Savitskaya T., Gotina L., Grinshpan D. Rheological Properties of Casting solutions for starch Edible Films Production// Open Journal of Fluid Dynamic. .– 2015. –5. – №1.– P.. 58– 67

- Po Huo, Savitskaya T., Gotina L., Makarevich S., Reznikov I., Grinshpan D. Bicomponent solutions of Food Polysacharides and Edible Films on their Basis// Open Journal of Food and Nutrition Science. .– 2015. –5. – №6.–P.1571– 1581.

- Shakhno E.A., Savitskaya T.A., Pokrovskaya T.G., Yakushev V.I., Pokrovskii M.V., GrinshpanD.D. Use of L-arginine immobilised on activated carbon for pharmacological correction of endothelial disfunction//Research result: pharmacology and clinical pharmacology. – 2016. – Vol. 2, №1 (2) –  C. 30 – 35.

- Savitskaya T.A., Reznikov I.V., Grinshpan D.D. Rheological Behavior of lignin based dispersions intended for composite fuel production// Applied Rheology. – 2016. – V.26. –  Rheol. 26 (2016) 63476 (7 pages). DOI:10.3933/APPLRHEOL-26-63476

- Huo Po, Savitskaya T., Reznikov I., Grinshpan D., Tsygankova N., Telysheva G., Arshanitsa A. Hydrolysis lignin as a sorbent and basis for solid composite biofuel//Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnologies. – 2016 – Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 2016, 7, 501-530 http://www.scirp.org/journal/abbб DOI: 10.4236/abb.2016.711046

- Grinshpan D., Savitskaya T., Tsygankova N., Makarevich E., Kimlenka I., Ivashkevich O. Good real word examples of wood-based sustainable chemistry // Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy – 2017. – Vol.5, June. –  P.1-13.

- Shakhno E.A., Savitskaya T.A., Pokrovskaya T.G., Yakushev V.I., Grinshpan D.D. New dosage form of L-arginine based on its complex with cellulose acetate sulfate and activated carbon// Research Result: pharmacology and clinical pharmacology – 2017. –Vol.3, N 2. – P.101 – 111. DOI: 10.18413/2313–8971–2017–3–2–101–111.

- Preparation and properties of pea starch e-poly-Lysine composite films / Z. Yu, G. Rao, X. Yan, C. Wang, Savitskaya T.A., D. Hrynshpan // Sci. and Technol. of Food Industr. J. – 2018. – Vol. 39, iss. 13. – P. 89–94.

- Soluble polymer complexes of ceftriaxone and cefotaxime with cellulose sulfate acetate salt forms and their adsorption on carbon sorbents / T.A. Savitskaya, E. A. Shakhno, D. D. Grinshpan, O. A. Ivashkevich // Polymer Sci. Ser. A. – 2019. – Vol. 61, iss. 3. – P. 274–286.

- Cellulose-based composite gas separation membranes / D. A. Syrtsova, V. V. Teplyakov, V. B. Filistovich, T.A. Savitskaya, I. M. Kimlenka, D. D. Grinshpan, S. E. Makarevich // Membranes and Membrane Technol. – 2019. – Vol. 1. – P. 353–360.

- Eva Ivanišová, Miroslava Kačániová, Tatsiana A. Savitskaya and Dmitry D. Grinshpan. Chapter 2 Medicinal Herbs: Important Source of Bioactive Compounds for Food Industry in   Herbs and Spices– New Processing and Technologies. Edited by Rabia Shabir Ahmad. – United Kingdom: INTECHOPEN LIMITED, 2021. – P.  13–23. Print ISBN 978-1-83969-608-4 Online ISBN 978-1-83969-609-1 eBook (PDF) ISBN 978-1-83969-610-7

Chen, C.Zhao, M., Yuan, B., Wang Z., Yao J., Chen, J., Hrynshpan, D.Savitskaya, T. A fungus–bacterium co-culture synergistically promoted nitrogen removal by enhancing enzyme activity and electron transfer// Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 754, 142109

Zeyu WangLuyao DaiJiachao YaoTianjiao GuoDzmitry Hrynsphan, Tatsiana SavitskayaJun Chen. Improvement of AlcaligenesTB performance by Fe-Pd/multi-walled carbon nanotubes: Enriched denitrification pathways and accelerated electron transport// Bioresource Technology, 327, 124785 / doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2021.124785

- Kacániová, M.; Galoviˇcová, L.; Borotová, P., Valková, V.; ˇ Dúranová, H.;  Kowalczewski, P.Ł.; Said-Al Ahl, H.A.H.; Hikal, W.M.; Vukic, M.; Savitskaya, T.; Grinshpan, D., Vukovic N.L. Chemical Composition, In Vitro and In Situ Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Activities of Syzygium aromaticum (Clove) Essential Oil. Plants 2021. – Vol.10. – P.2185–2202. doi.org/10.3390/ plants10102185

- Kačániová, M., Galovičová, L., Valková, V., Tvrdá, E., Terentjeva, M., Žiarovská, J., Simona Kunová, Tatsiana Savitskaya, Dmitrij Grinshpan, Jana Štefániková, Soňa Felsöciová, Nenad Vukovic, Kowalczewski, P. Ł.  Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Cinnamomum cassia essential oil and its application in food preservation// Open Chemistry. 2021. – Vol. 19, Iss. 1. – P. 214– 227. doi:10.1515/chem-2021-0191

- Wang, Z., Fu, W., Hu, L., Zhao, M., Guo, T., Hrynsphan, D., Savitskaya, T., Chen, J. Improvement of electron transfer efficiency during denitrification process by Fe-Pd/multi-walled carbon nanotubes: Possessed redox characteristics and secreted endogenous electron mediator. Science of The Total Environment. – – Vol. 781, no 3. – P. 146686. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.1466

- Yao, J., Chen, A., Ye, R., Wang, J., Pan, H., Xu, D., Chen, J., Mei, Y., Hrynshpan, D., Savitskaya, T. Stepping Control of Electrochemical Process for Simultaneous Removal of COD and Ammonia with High Efficiency and Energy Saving / J. Electrochem. Soc. – 2021. Vol. 168, no 2. –  P. 023502.

- Zhao, Min, Liyong Hu, Luyao Dai, Zhaoyun Wang, Jiamei He, Zeyu Wang, Jun Chen, Dzmitry Hrynsphan, and Savitskaya Tatsiana. Bamboo Charcoal Powder-Based Polyurethane as Packing Material in Biotrickling Filter for Simultaneous Removal of N-Hexane and Dichloromethane / Bioresource Technology.–Vol.345.Available online 25 November 2021., 126427. doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2021.126427

- Kačániová, M., Kunová, S., Haščík, P., Pietrzyk, K., Kluz, M., Terentjeva, M., Savitskaya, T., Grinshpan, D.  The antimicrobial effect of thyme and rosemary essential oils against listeria monocytogenes in sous vide turkey meat during storage / Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences. – 2021. – Vol.15, Iss.1. – P. 575–584.

- Savitskaya T. A., Liavontsyeu A. P., Kimlenka I. M., Grinshpan D. D., Drashar P., Tran Dai Lam, Pham Thi Lanю Green chemistry teaching: Belarusian view through world tendencies // Журнал Белорусского государственного университета. Химия / Journal of the Belarusian State University. Chemistry. – 2022. – № 2. – P. 83–94.

- Min Zhao, Liyong Hu, Luyao Dai, Zhaoyun Wang, Jiamei He, Zeyu Wang, Jun Chen, Dzmitry Hrynsphan, Savitskaya Tatsiana. Bamboo charcoal powder-based polyurethane as packing material in biotrickling flter for simultaneous removal of n-hexane and dichloromethane// Bioresource Technology. – 2022. – Vol. 345. – P. 126427. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2021.126427

- Колбина Г. Ф., Окатова О. В., Гостева А. А., Савицкая Т. А., Гриншпан Д. Д., Павлов Г. М. Молекулярно-конформационные характеристики цепей натриевой соли сульфоацетата целлюлозы// Высокомол. соед. – 2022. – Т. 64, № 5. – С. 313–316. / Kolbina, G.F., Okatova, O.V., Gosteva, A.A., Savitskaya T.A., Grinshpan, D.D., Pavlov, G.M. Molecular-Conformation Parameters of Sodium Cellulose Sulfoacetate Chains //Polym. Sci. Ser. A. – 2022. – Vol.64, № 5. – P. 406–409. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0965545X2270016X

- Зыгмант А. В., Гриншпан Д. Д., Савицкая Т. А., Цыганкова Н. Г., Минь В. С., Тран Д. Л. Композиционные реагенты для очистки воды на основе природных альгинатов // Свиридовские чтения: Сб. ст. – Вып. 18. – Минск, 2022. – С. 11-26.

- Савицкая, Т.А. Композиты целлюлоза-хитозан: тенденции развития новых технологий и перспективы их внедрения /  Т.А. Савицкая // Полимерные материалы и технологии. – 2022. – Том 8, № 2. – С. 59–72. 

- Zeyu Wang, Liyong Hu, Min Zhao, Luyao Dai, Dzmitry Hrynsphan, Savitskaya Tatsiana, Jun Chen. Bamboo charcoal fused with polyurethane foam for efficiency removing organic solvents from waste water: experimental and simulation //Biochar. – 2022. – Vol. 4, article number 28. – 16 p. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42773-022-00153-2.